Genetic Consensus of Personality Illuminates a Methodology
for Applying Technologies of Psychological Rehabilitation
and Psychological Protection of the Population

Sergiy D. Maksymenko, Ph.D.



The present requires us to find a methodology for understanding and designing civilizations—global phenomena in which everyone in the 21st century is inevitably engaged—through the prism of study of the unity of the individual’s biological and social life, the expansion of being in phylogenesis and ontogenesis, and given the problems of the psychology of peace, through the prism of sociogenesis, ethnogenesis, and state creation. Methodological and instrumental principles for understanding the problem of peace should be sought in the genesis of the individual himself. And this induces us to address the problem of genetic psychology personality. The leading idea of genetic psychology is described here—the psychological mechanisms of personality in particular, the emergence in which need is revealed by its life-creating principle, love and the creative component of need. The ontogenesis of a person is formed through deployment and tumors, which are activated by genetic-modeling its development.

In this context, the genetic-modification method is empirically and methodologically verified. Principles of genetic-modeling psychotherapy are proposed. The method allows one to look into the so-called “window of the soul” to determine which parts of the brain work normally, which operate excessively actively, which are hypertrophied, and which areas almost do not work. It takes into account the indicators of single-photon emission computer tomography and the construction of strategies for psychotherapy and rehabilitation in accordance with the principles of the instrumental and genetic-modeling method. It thereby provides the grounds for the creation of a paradigm of genetic-oriented (modeling) psychotherapy.

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